The isolation transformer mentioned here refers to the power frequency transformer working at 5OHz frequency. In the UPS power supply system, the isolation transformer is a main component. According to the difference of UPS circuit structure and power supply system environment, the function and setting method of isolation transformer are also different, so it is not possible to configure isolation transformer in UPS power supply system.
We must first understand the function of the isolation transformer and its role in the WS power supply system, and then we can decide when the isolation transformer is not needed and when the isolation transformer must be configured. The function of the isolation transformer in the UPS power supply system. The reason why the isolation transformer is configured in the UPS power supply system is that some are required by the S equipment itself. The transformer is an important part of the dumb heart circuit; Some are set to improve the quality of system power supply; Others are set to match the voltage setting required by the power grid and load equipment.
Other factors to be considered include: try to choose brand products. Il-prodotti oriġinali se jkollhom numri tal-fabbrika, struzzjonijiet u manwali tekniċi, u jista 'jħossu inqas storbju waqt it-tħaddim; Appoġġ tas-softwer. B'appoġġ u ġestjoni tas-softwer, Il-provvista tal-enerġija tal-UPS mhix biss apparat sempliċi tal-provvista tal-enerġija, iżda apparat intelliġenti b'sejbien awtomatiku, allarm awtomatiku, ħażna awtomatika u funzjonijiet oħra. Dażgur, jiddependi fuq il-ħtiġijiet speċifiċi tal-utenti; Kooperazzjoni ma 'ambjent ta' applikazzjoni speċifika, bħall-kapaċità ta 'ġestjoni tan-netwerk u l-kapaċità ta' ġestjoni cross-platform tas-softwer tal-ġestjoni tal-enerġija għandhom jiġu kkunsidrati meta tagħżel il-provvista tal-enerġija tal-UPS għal tagħmir tan-netwerking, filwaqt li l-abbiltà tat-trażżin tal-istorbju u l-affidabbiltà għolja għandhom jiġu kkunsidrati meta tagħżel il-provvista tal-enerġija tal-UPS għat-tagħmir tat-telekomunikazzjoni.
F’kelma waħda, when users choose the stabilized frequency and stabilized voltage power supply, they should clarify their own power supply requirements and characteristics, and comprehensively analyze and investigate the UPS power supply of various brands.
Application and selection of UPS power supply and coordination of specific application environment.