19′ rack mount inverter 1kva 2kva 3KVA 24vdc sa 240vac power inverter
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Il-mewġ sine puri DT-1000 Serje inverters huma BWITT ġodda jespandu customize inverter. This Series is a professional 19” rack enclosure with a wide range of options to suit applications.

  • 24/240V-1KVA
  • 24/240V-2KVA
  • 24/240V-3KVA

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19' rack mount inverter 1kva 2kva 3KVA 24vdc sa 240vac power inverter

The pure sine wave DT-1000 Series inverters are BWITT new expand customize inverter. This Series is a professional 19” rack enclosure with a wide range of options to suit applications.

It uses a novel design structure that helps users to provide Pure, enerġija AC stabbli u durabbli għal tagħbijiet kritiċi, and has the same high reliability as the AC power supply system. The design characteristics of the dedicated communication pure sine wave inverter ensure the seamless conversion between the AC and DC power supply, kważi l-ebda dewmien ta 'konverżjoni, and build in the static switch.


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