2ru Rack Mount Inverter Dc 48v To Ac 115v Inverter 1-6kva Inverter Ac Dc
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The solution is equipped with 115V AC power supply and 48V DC power Input , which fills the gap between the traditional UPS power supply and common pure sine wave inverter solutions.

  • 48/115V-1KVA
  • 48/115V-2KVA
  • 48/115V-3KVA
  • 48/115V-4KVA
  • 48/115V-5KVA
  • 48/115V-6KVA

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Price of 2ru Rack Mount Inverter Dc and Inverter 6kva

latest updating feature Inverter 6kva, 2ru Rack Mount Inverter Dc

48v To Ac 115v Inverter 1-6kva Inverter Ac Dc

2ru Rack Mount Inverter Dc 48v To Ac 115v Inverter 1-6kva Inverter Ac Dc

Product Description

This type Rack mount Inverter with a new generation of dual input inverter solution designed for the field of communication applications, li huwa adattat għall-affidabbiltà għolja tas-sistema ta 'komunikazzjoni. The solution is equipped with 115V AC power supply and 48V DC power Input , which fills the gap between the traditional UPS power supply and common pure sine wave inverter solutions.

Product Feature:

  • Standard 19” Rack mount 2 RUChassis;
  • True sine wave output (T.H.D < 3%);
  • Large 128*64 digital Lcd display data information,4 led display working;
  • 5 Routes Dry contact for system (DC input fault, AC input fault, overload information, by-pass information and output fault);
  • RS232 and RS485 & Optional SNMP communication Port
  • Power-on self-test, Soft output start,Start auto restart while Ac or Dc is recovering;
  • Auto switch function: DC to AC, AC bypass, less than 5ms;
  • Real-time monitoring of the system operating status,Audible and visual alarm;
  • Record the historical alarm message and can be queried;
  • Build in voltage regulator Stabilize AC voltage;
  • Maintenance bypass /DC available;
  • Protezzjoni :Short load protection, over load protection, battery over/under voltage protection, over current, over temperature;
  • []INVERTER INVERTER[/caption]

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Inverter power supply
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  • Kristin 17:42.PM  Mar.28,2025
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