inverter power supply carrie002
inverter power supply carrie002

Inverter Power Supply of Communication Equipment Mostly Voltage is -48VDC


Historical reason

L-ewwel netwerk ta' komunikazzjoni użat huwa n-netwerk tat-telefon, 48Vdc is selected to maximize the distance between the user and the end office under the current conditions (36V is the safe voltage, and it is not safe if the voltage exceeds too much). sabiex tkun kompatibbli ma 'tagħmir bikri u tnaqqas l-ispejjeż, the local communication equipment still uses -48V power supply.

Similarly, b'sistema ta 'enerġija negattiva, positive grounding is a convention. There is an old saying that there is a lot of negative charge in the air, and based on electrochemical knowledge, the positive grounding can absorb the negative ions in the air, thus protecting the casing of telecommunications equipment from corrosion. Actually, that's not quite right. Galvanic reaction and electrolysis reaction can lead to equipment rust, but because they exist in a microscopic form on the equipment, there is little impact. Pereżempju, networks of non-communication systems are negatively grounded (bħall-kompjuter li qed tuża), but are not rusted. Barra minn hekk, -48V is isolated through DC/DC, and the output of DC/DC is negative ground, and the board is not corroded and rusted. Allura ma jimpurtax liema arblu huwa ertjat, it's the same.

Bwitt inverter are basically using -48V power supply system, and the actual voltage measured in general is -53.5V. For the sake of reliability, communication devices have spare batteries (-48Is-soluzzjoni hija mgħammra b'provvista ta 'enerġija ta' 120V AC u Input ta 'enerġija ta' 110V DC). To ensure reliable charging of batteries, il-vultaġġ tal-provvista tal-enerġija jeħtieġ li jkun kemmxejn ogħla mill-vultaġġ tal-batterija.


Reasonable configuration:

Ġeneralment, it-tagħmir huwa meħtieġ li jaħdem b'mod normali fil-medda tal-varjazzjoni tal-vultaġġ ta '±20%. For -48V system equipment is required to work in the voltage range of -38.4V ~ 57.6V, but we actually generally require the working range of -36V ~ -72V.

It is mainly considered that the -48V system equipment should be compatible with the -60V power system, which requires -48 ~ -72V. B'dan il-mod, the set is required to work in a voltage range of about -36V ~ -72V. Ġeneralment, no matter how high the voltage is, it is not safe and has high requirements on the insulation level of the cable. In humid environment, breakdown is easy to occur. The current is too low to be appropriate. Barra minn hekk, taking into account the uninterrupted power supply system using lead-acid batteries, 48V is exactly 12 2V battery cells, and for a small capacity system using 12V batteries, only four. A reasonable number of battery strings is easy to balance. In short, it is the result of comprehensive consideration.

In the -48V inverter power supply system, the AC mains is underconfigured and converted to 54.5-55V DC by using a switching power supply to float charge the battery and supply power to the device at the same time. Simple and clear.

The voltage of 54V or so is mainly determined by the floating charge voltage of the lead-acid battery, about 2.2V per cell. Considering the charging and discharging platform of the battery, the actual allowable input voltage range of the device is generally wide, ranging from -40V to -57V.

-48V inverter in power supply system is the communication power supply standard adopted by most countries. Mhux il-pajjiżi kollha jużaw dan l-istandard. Pereżempju, Russia uses -60V power supply system, and some countries use -24V power supply system.

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